Risc-V emulation on top of x64 (using QEMU)


New Member
Jun 17, 2024
Hello everyone. I just had a few question about Risc-V emulation on proxmox using qemu.

The package qemu-system-misc provides the binary /usr/bin/qemu-system-riscv64 that allows for emulation of riscv64 if i'm not mistaken.
Problem is apparently this package isn't the one used by proxmox, there is another one.

Will the same features come to proxmox eventually?

Best regards, Spid.
Hey Fiona, thanks for your answer !
Okay, i'll make a post on bugzilla. I'll keep you in touch ! Just in case, if someone is needed to test beta features about this emulation, i have a homelab with proxmox on it, so i can totally give some help for testing !

Best regards, Spid.
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The riscv64 emulation in ProxMox would be flippin cool as Risc-V is gaining steam in development. It won't take over ARM or x86 anytime soon but over time it might.