I checked on my server and the weird thing is 'java -version' says that java hasn't been installed at all.it is weird, nginx reverse proxy with ip_hash is working fine on machine that install with java version 7 update 80.
Unfortunately, most of the time it is not work on machine that install with java version 8 update 144.
How about others?
I can reproducate this also. However, its not happening everytime, but i not see any system in it.
Usually if i press F5 on noVNC windows it start working, but not always.
Config: https://pastebin.com/xZDZpLXJ
Yes, I can confirm that apache wss (websocket) reverse proxy work well so far.i tested with apache as reverse proxy without issues (at least a hundred tries did not trigger this problem here), as well as a cheap proxy with socat did not show this issue
Yes, I can confirm that apache wss (websocket) reverse proxy work well so far.
Dear all, I have the problem with nginx. Can you post your good apache config?i tested with apache as reverse proxy without issues
I already have a wildcard certificate. My nginx config works perfectly for accessing all resources including xterm.js, but NoVNC (like the posters before me) is not consistent. I am able to connect 100% of the time but maybe 5% of the time the actual console loads.Install wildcard certificate on your Proxmox nodes (letsencrpyt providing it now), and use HAProxy.
Can someone post clear instructions on how to downgrade novnc until this is resolved?
You can see the available versions with the command:
apt-cache policy novnc-pveYou can install any preferred version with:
After that you can set the package to 'hold' status to prevent upgrade with the command:
apt-get install novnc-pve=<version>
echo novnc-pve hold|dpkg --set-selections