Hi ned, ive got a similar problem.
Well, I got a new node. So i thought, this would be the perfect time to convert from 3.4 to 4.x, since I did not want some downtime from compatibitlity issues.
The migration from 3.4 to current 4 went sofar ok, just some trouble with the openvz containers.
I had an OpenVZ Deb7 Container runing MySQL 4.1.22 for CAO-Warenwirtschaft, a german accounting software, on my perfectly good 3.4 PVE
I did backup the OpenVZ, (stoped mode)
then moved to my new 4.2 Proxmox node and restored it.
Edited the Network interface.
Booted the linux container
And: Not one singe service came up after the linux container finished booting. Not even SSH, so i try via vzctl to log into, this obvisously does not work, then entered the CT with pct and start mysql by hand. service came up. same for ssh. but the machine didnt start any init.d services.
then i check for kernel, and woha, its the pve 4.4 for a Wheezy machine. of course with systemd on a sysVinit system there wonte be any services available.
It seams this is a problem with init.d and systemd, one of the big changes from 3 to 4. or rather from deb. 7 to 8.
but i have no clue as to how to fix this.
Cheers Manne