I have a local PVE and an external PVE (2 independent clusters). The 2 pves back up to the local PBS (datastore backup) in different folders (/datastore/backup/local and /datastore/backup/agency). The local user is root@pam and the remote user is backup@pbs. The problem is that my remote pve server is down and I have to restore the vms from external pve on my local pve. Except that on PBS I can see the desired vms backups in /backup/agency but I cannot restore them to my local pve. I go to the backup storage on pve and I ONLY see the local vms, not the vms backed up by the remote pve. How can I restore these vms?
Thank you
I have a local PVE and an external PVE (2 independent clusters). The 2 pves back up to the local PBS (datastore backup) in different folders (/datastore/backup/local and /datastore/backup/agency). The local user is root@pam and the remote user is backup@pbs. The problem is that my remote pve server is down and I have to restore the vms from external pve on my local pve. Except that on PBS I can see the desired vms backups in /backup/agency but I cannot restore them to my local pve. I go to the backup storage on pve and I ONLY see the local vms, not the vms backed up by the remote pve. How can I restore these vms?
Thank you
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