Reset Web Password


New Member
Nov 28, 2006
I seem to have forgotten the password to login to the web interface but I still have ssh access. How do we reset the root login for the web interface? I've tried looking through the FAQs and the manuals but didn't find an answer.
I seem to have forgotten the password to login to the web interface but I still have ssh access. How do we reset the root login for the web interface? I've tried looking through the FAQs and the manuals but didn't find an answer.

root can login via ssh and via web interface, it is the same password.
if you want to change the password on the console, just type
> passwd
Thanks, I guess that I missed the part about where the web interface and the ssh login were the same. What's odd about that is that I had tried the ssh password on the web interface and it still wouldn't let me login. Once I changed the ssh password I was able to login via the web.
root can login via ssh and via web interface, it is the same password.
if you want to change the password on the console, just type
> passwd

Be sure to choose Realm - Linux PAM standard authentication not Proxmox VE authentication server
Many years later, I'm having the exact same issue.
All of a sudden, when trying to log into a system that I've logged into countless times won't let me log in using standard auth yet I'm able to log in using the ssh pass.
i have the same issue. After create a cluster i can't access with ssh root credentials.
solved in my case. a weird network issue.
Yes, you must tell us what the issue was.

This issue just happened to me. Can't get into the web gui login all of a sudden. I still have ssh access so I used the passwd command to change the root password. But that new root password doesn't work either.
This issue just happened to me.
Welp, I just rebooted via ssh and that fixed it. The new password I set for root with passwd is now working to login to the web gui now, whereas it wasn't before. I guess the problem was not the password, but instead something in the login flow breaks over time and a reboot restores it.
Whoops, I should clarify that I am not using Proxmox Mail Gateway, but Proxmox VE. I just realized that my web search took me to the Mail Gateway forum and I mistook it for the Proxmox VE forum.
I guess the problem was not the password, but instead something in the login flow breaks over time and a reboot restores it.
I would suggest to check the journal when this issue occurs - this is nothing that should happen!
One thing I've been nervous about since building my cluster is that I used very simple passwords on each server and used the same password when joining nodes. I'm nervous that changing the host passwords will somehow cause a problem with the cluster.
once the nodes are joined in the cluster communication between them happens either via the API (identified through certificates) or ssh (through ssh-keys) - so changing the password of the root user is perfectly fine (you of course need to use the new password then when logging in as root@pam in the PVE GUI)

I hope this helps!
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For example, I used the same password on all hosts. Then I used one host to join the others so used its password.
Is it safe to change the passwords on all of the hosts, make them different of course and then if I want to join another host, I can do the same, just use the password of one or any of the hosts already joined in the cluster.

I think you said yes but just want to be safe :).
I don't see why it shouldn't be
Just keep in mind that the root@pam user (actually any user in @pam) uses the password from that machine - so if you use that you need to use the correct password per machine..