Request: Optional monthly backups


you can edit the vzdump.cron manually to achieve this.
The file /etc/pve/vzdump.cron should not be written, as it is automatically generated by the UI. Is there a best practise to let the file as is and add another file for monthly backups?
The file /etc/pve/vzdump.cron should not be written, as it is automatically generated by the UI.
You can edit it but then you should not edit this task over the GUI anymore.
Thanks for your quick response. Is there an option to apply an additional file which will not be overwritten by the GUI? The backup is very convenient in Proxmox and one of the most important functions. But what is missing is, a backup strategy which also keeps additional snapshots like monthly states, so you can roll back if there was happened an issue which will be discovered much later than the usual issues.
+100500 for monthly backup. It seems like 10 minutes work for frontend developer. Is there any pitfalls with implementation?
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+1 for monthly backup options !
or better granularity for backup jobs in general. Like "first monday" "every uneven week" etc. :)
As an alternative I create daily backups and keep monthly backups using a hard link

As a cronjob the following looks for files newer than 1 day and generates a hardlink with a monthly_ prefix
0 15 1 * * cd /backup/proxmox/dump; find * -mtime -1 -type f -exec ln {} monthly_{} \;

I changed the vzdump.cron file to my needs. I'd like to start a backup every 1st monday of a month (0 0 1 ? * 2#1 *)

I cheated a little bit with this website: ;)

I guess I will see if it works in a few weeks :)

Unfortunately the job disappears from die UI as soon as I change the cron expression, so from that moment on I guess I have to edit the job completely in the config file..


hm, editing vzdump.cron seems to break the backup schedule completely :confused:

The job I've edited manually disappeard from the web UI and does not run
The other job that I have not edited is still visible in the web UI but dows not run either.

15 0 * * 5           root vzdump 109 106 --mode snapshot --mailto x@y.z --mailnotification always --quiet 1 --storage pve_backup_weekly --compress 0
0 0 1 ? * 2#1 *      root vzdump --compress zstd --all 1 --quiet 1 --mailnotification always --storage pve_backup_monthly --mailto x@y.z --mode snapshot

If I run the vzdump command from the command line it works fine...

Any ideas?
