Replication, way in the future schedule

Manny Vazquez

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
Miami, FL USA
I am trying to make a few machines replicate, this was working fine a while back , it stopped working and I never bothered with it since I really do not care much about the HA of this machines, but it wold be great to ave the replication, once a day working, but when I add the replication job, I get it schedule on Jan 1st, 2070, can someone help with this error?

this is on a 5.0 proxmox

But in the other cluster the schedule works fine on a proxmox 5.3

upload_2019-5-16_15-47-27.png upload_2019-5-16_15-47-48.png
This looks like an over left artifact from a previous job.
please check /var/lib/pve-manager/pve-replication-state.json
This looks like an over left artifact from a previous job.
please check /var/lib/pve-manager/pve-replication-state.json
Not sure how to check that,

I did a cat of this file on all 3 nodes, it is just {}
But I had deleted the jobs that of course where never going to execute, so I created anew job,

it scheduled again to 2070-01-01

And then did a cat of the .json file
the only thing inside that file is just {}


I have learned to live without replication and put only VMs that do not host live data on this cluster, meaning that a backup from 2 dats ago is as good as a backup from 10 minutes ago, but I would like to have replication back so I could put some more "live" vms on this cluster which is super reliable, it has been functional, no shutdown of any node, or problem for 1 year and a half. I did a full reboot manually of each one of the nodes on the one year anniversary, was that bad?
can you output of
on the hosts ?

also what is your pveversion -v ?
please upgrad to the current version (5.4) and try again