I am not entirely sure what exactely you mean, but typically on Linux you work remotely by using ssh. Proxmox supports it out-of-the-box. This is a quite powerfull tool and can be used in a variety of ways. The simplest would allow you to connect to your proxmox server via a terminal by issuing the command ssh root@<ip/hostname of your sever>. If you want to access the GUI you could do: ssh root@<ip/hostname of your sever> -L 8006:localhost:8006 and then open https://localhost:8006 in a browser of you choice. This forwards the port 8006 on you proxmox server to the local port 8006 using ssh.
Note that you can configure ssh extensively and use ssh keys to add further security to your setup.
You can choose the options you have for connection. There are tools that allow you to change the quality of the connection if you want to, etc. I've been researching this issue recently, a lot of information has been read, here is a description of the different options: https://www.helpwire.app/blog/remote-desktop-client-linux/
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