I am new to the forum but have been lurking for a while and marveling on how amazon this product and community is! Today, i was tinkering with ha-manager on cli and noticed that it actually has a relocate option. This option shuts down vm, transfers to another and starts it again (cold migration).
Is there any reason this setting is not exposed in UI (DataCenter->Options->HA Setting)? This would immensely help homelab users who run mix of amd/intel, old and new generation hardware which does not support live migration unless a really old cpu type is set. This may also help some small shops as well. If this option can be set on HA Group or even a VM, that would be awesome.
Currently, i have to write bunch of scripts to ping/restart stuck vm which can completely be avoided with a proper relocate.
Is there any reason this setting is not exposed in UI (DataCenter->Options->HA Setting)? This would immensely help homelab users who run mix of amd/intel, old and new generation hardware which does not support live migration unless a really old cpu type is set. This may also help some small shops as well. If this option can be set on HA Group or even a VM, that would be awesome.
Currently, i have to write bunch of scripts to ping/restart stuck vm which can completely be avoided with a proper relocate.