I can't upgrade https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Recover_From_Grub_Failure this wiki entry so I will add this update for anyone who needs it with EFI.
After changing out a GPU in my computer I came across this grub rescue screen.
error: disk `lvmid/[LVMID]' not found.
I needed to use a 64 bit version of Ubuntu or Debian live usb disk to fix it.
Boot into Ubuntu/Debian off the usb. We do not want to install Ubuntu/Debian, just run it live off the ISO/DVD/USB. Warning: Debian Live goes to sleep after 20 minutes inactivity if you for some reason have to take a break.
First We need to activate LVM and mount the the root partition that is inside the LVM container.
Mount all the filesystems that are already there so we can upgrade/install grub. Your paths may vary depending on your drive configuration.
Chroot into your proxmox install.
Then update grub and install it.
If there are no error messages, you should be able to reboot now.
here is the bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=987008
After changing out a GPU in my computer I came across this grub rescue screen.
error: disk `lvmid/[LVMID]' not found.
- grub rescue >
I needed to use a 64 bit version of Ubuntu or Debian live usb disk to fix it.
Boot into Ubuntu/Debian off the usb. We do not want to install Ubuntu/Debian, just run it live off the ISO/DVD/USB. Warning: Debian Live goes to sleep after 20 minutes inactivity if you for some reason have to take a break.
First We need to activate LVM and mount the the root partition that is inside the LVM container.
- sudo vgscan
- sudo vgchange -ay
Mount all the filesystems that are already there so we can upgrade/install grub. Your paths may vary depending on your drive configuration.
- sudo mkdir /media/RESCUE
- sudo mount /dev/pve/root /media/RESCUE/
- sudo mount /dev/[partition of efi, for me nvme0n1p2] /media/RESCUE/boot/efi
- sudo mount -t proc proc /media/RESCUE/proc
- sudo mount -t sysfs sys /media/RESCUE/sys
- sudo mount -o bind /dev /media/RESCUE/dev
- sudo mount -o bind /run /media/RESCUE/run
Chroot into your proxmox install.
- chroot /media/RESCUE
- lvextend -L +1g /dev/pve/root
- resize2fs /dev/pve/root
Then update grub and install it.
- update-grub
- grub-install
If there are no error messages, you should be able to reboot now.
here is the bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=987008
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