recover deleted namespaces on PBS datastores


Nov 30, 2021
Hi all,

I'm a bit into poopoo, is there any ways to "undo" namespace deletion on PBS datastores (NFS mount)?
Data's seems all there, i've hum, deleted the namespace and would badly need a VM restore which is on there..

Let me know,
Well I've tried all I could, no chances..

The weird thing here and for the record is that a failing backup through PBS (NFS down/networking issues on the datastore) of a Windows box using encrypted hard drives using Vera Crypt would totally fry that VM HDD.. I've had the problem twice, the Windows box would freeze, and after a stop/restart would end up within the "EFI Shell" and stay clinically dead there..

A bit angry at myself though because I trusted PBS a bit too much on that one and deleted previous backups/name spaces, so yes, I'm left with nothing but useless chunks of data's on a NAS storage..

A bit sour at this honestly.
The weird thing here and for the record is that a failing backup through PBS (NFS down/networking issues on the datastore) of a Windows box using encrypted hard drives using Vera Crypt would totally fry that VM HDD.. I've had the problem twice, the Windows box would freeze, and after a stop/restart would end up within the "EFI Shell" and stay clinically dead there..
i doubt that it's directly the fault of the pbs backup (since the backup only reads the vm disk) but maybe a symptom of some application inside the vm?
if you can reliably reproduce it, i'd open a bug here: (in case it is a bug with pbs)
i doubt that it's directly the fault of the pbs backup (since the backup only reads the vm disk) but maybe a symptom of some application inside the vm?
if you can reliably reproduce it, i'd open a bug here: (in case it is a bug with pbs)
Hi Dom, humm it's hard to say really, although yes, twice got the issues (twice related to me shuffling things on the network, cutting NFS/IPsec etc.. i know, i know =) ) and well, twice ended up in the EFI Shell.. the 1st time I've had a backup, the 2nd time sadly not, i was actually making it..
the symptoms do sound a bit like potentially - for which we don't have a reproducer yet or a clear description of what happens other than "VM boot disk is no longer bootable for lack of partition table".
Let me check if I can reproduce it on my side, I'll though setup a "disposable" VM because well, the one that died was pretty much the only one i didn't wanted to die, as usual...

The only "unusual" software on that VM was pretty much the VeraCrypt enciphered single volume..