Re: Enhancement/Bug - 3044 - Allow a user to push his datastore to a remote server


Renowned Member
Apr 13, 2012
Hello Team,

Tuxis has opened an enhancement to allow PBS servers to push instead of pull backups. I wanted to bring this up to the community as I think it's an excellent suggestion.

The enhancement is to have PBS Push instead of Pull backups when syncing between Proxmox Backup Servers. For my usecase I have two PBS installed and running in my office where PBS01 syncs to PBS02 already. But I also want to implement an offsite solution and being able to "Push" my backups to a PBS setup at an outside PBS provider would be ideal. I personally would not want to add an external PBS to my cluster and backup to them as I want my initial backup to be local only. But to ensure I can recover from disaster having my backups synced offsite (encrypted) is warranted.

I'm hoping Proxmox will consider this enhancement.

Thanks @tuxis for opening this request.

since this feature request is tracked in the Bugzilla and was not immediately rejected, there is a good chance that it will be taken into account.

since this feature request is tracked in the Bugzilla and was not immediately rejected, there is a good chance that it will be taken into account.
Thank you @wolfgang for weighing in on my post. I look forward to this being enabled. Being able to easily sync to an offsite PBS for disaster is an important business requirement and this will help vendors of Proxmox products help support the Proxmox community more easily stand up such a service.

I'd also like to add that I think it's important to build in the ability for Proxmox supporters like @tuxis and @symmcom to be able to setup a multi-tenant environment to provide and support a critical service like offsite backups. I've been a proud Proxmox supporter for many years and I hope to see the adoption of Proxmox increased.
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Any news on this?
I want to realize encrypted backups to a not trusted remote location and this would be the easiest way.
Even though this is not possible yet, if you are able to open up port 8007 from the outside, we do configure pull-datastores upon request. This works perfectly with API-tokens so you can't leak any unencrypted data.
Hey proxmox team ;-)

Resourse spent on dark theme development when this push functionality is still on the backlog is a strange sense of priorities ;-)