I got a very weird but reproducable issue with Windows Remote Desktop connections since installed latest cummulative Windows Update KB5051987, which is rolled out by Microsoft automatically since yesterday:
Wenn I connect remotely to the freshly started VM, everthing is fine. But when I close remote session (without logging off the user!) and then reconnnect, remote session gets stuck. - And only in this case! (But it's a common workflow, keeping the Windows user session logged in to reconnect later; it never caused a problem before)
It happens both when connecting remotely from another Windows 11 RDP-client and also when using the official Remote App "Windows" on iOS. See screenshots attached.
I've had this issue already with an "Preview-Update" that Microsoft has rolled out few weeks ago. I have even reinstalled the whole machine then and problem was gone.
Before installing official update KB5051987 today, i took a snapshot. And same result, after rolling back from snapshot, problem is gone (again).
So, I'm sure there is some issue with combination of Windows 11 + latest update KB5051987 + running Win11 as a Proxmox VM.
I have other bare metal machines running Windows 11 and also Hyper-V VMs, where the problem does not exist after installing KB5051987.
Unfortunately, I could not find out where the problem comes from. Nothing in Windows Logs, etc.
Further, it's still possible to connect to the running Win11 user session using Proxmox Console in Browser, even though the connection by RDP stucks.
Also I've tried connecting from local network instead of VPN, tried Intel virtual network adapter instead of VirtIO network adapter and much more.
Seems to be no network issue at all, as it also does not happen when logging in the user freshly (after logoff or reboot).
I'm running out of ideas...
I think this issue may affect all or many Proxmox users running a Windows 11 VM, as there is absolutely nothing special about my configuration, neither with the Proxmox host, nor with the Win11 VM.
It also is no special kind of Windows user, as it's just a test-machine. Just a normal, local Windows user account (no Cloud/AAD-, or local AD-user)
As a workaround, I have paused Windows Updates for 5 weeks (maximum) in update settings, after I've rolled back snapshot.
Hope for your ideas or a solution, many thanks in advance!