[SOLVED] Q: does Sync jobs able to merge snapshots ?


Renowned Member
May 21, 2013
Good day,

is a certain environment I have a challenge that I need to push a PVE clusters backups to two PBS servers, but to split the backups, ie. PVE1 & PVE2 -> PBS-A, PVE3& PVE4 -> PBS-B. I might also need to (if things change for balancing reasons) change it to PVE1/2/3 -> PBS-A and only PVE4 -> PBS-B

For on site redundancy, I believe the method would then be to sync PBS-A -> PBS-B & PBS-B -> PBS-A, instead of a double backup from all the PVEs to each PBS.

Questions: If I set PBS-A's DatastoreA to sync from PBS-B's DatastoreA and vice versa (assumptions here is that since it's the same PVE cluster, thus no snapshotID clashes, and a VMID was only backed up to one place during the last backup - sync period), would that "solve" my problem?
- what problems would I need to be aware of?

I also want to sync those onsite PBS datastores (which are limited in capacity with less than a week's backup space available) to an off-site PBS with same outbound bandwidth challenges.
Q: If the above is a valid setup, it "should" be possible (as I can't load balance, but can split over two internet lines the PBS-A and PBS-B traffic) to do the following:
first: Backup: PVE* -> PBS-*
2nd: Sync: PBS-* datastoreA -> remote-PBS datastoreA
3rd: sync: PBS-A -> PBS-B, PBS-B -> PBS-A

IF the above aren't possible or advised, what other options should I rather consider?
Seems this is working as I describe I want to do above, with the added sync job (from both) to a remote PBS