[SOLVED] pvestatd[4133]: VM 105 qmp command failed - VM 105 qmp command 'query-proxmox-support' failed - The command query-proxmox-support has not been found

Dec 9, 2020
Problem in syslog after update to the latest version 6.3-2.

Every 10 seconds in syslog:
pvestatd[4133]: VM 105 qmp command failed - VM 105 qmp command 'query-proxmox-support' failed - The command query-proxmox-support has not been found
it's not a problem, just a bit noisy. it will go away once you start the VM with the current Qemu binary (e.g., by live-migrating to an updated node, or power off - power on the VM).
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I have the same "problem" and can't restart all VMs. Any Soution?
I found that migrating a VM to a different host will fix this message since it is pretty much a restart of the VM with a memory copy, afterwards you can move it back.
Exactly, one can "update" a VM to a newer QEMU version by migrating it to a host with that update installed.

Note: Forward migration (from older to newer version) is always supported. Backward migration (from new version to old version) is not guaranteed to work, and especially once a VM got started fresh on a new version it will probably stop to work (solution there is to simply update the target host first).