FYI for PVE 6.0 live migration with local-disks and with replicated volume is still not possible
root@gpu01:~# qm migrate 800 gpu02 --online --with-local-disks --force
2019-10-01 03:27:01 use dedicated network address for sending migration traffic (
2019-10-01 03:27:01 starting migration of VM 800 to node 'gpu02' (
2019-10-01 03:27:01 found generated disk 'data:vm-800-cloudinit' (in current VM config)
2019-10-01 03:27:01 found local disk 'data:vm-800-disk-0' (in current VM config)
2019-10-01 03:27:01 found local disk 'data:vm-800-disk-1' (in current VM config)
2019-10-01 03:27:01 copying disk images
2019-10-01 03:27:01 ERROR: Failed to sync data - can't live migrate VM with replicated volumes
2019-10-01 03:27:01 aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources
2019-10-01 03:27:01 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:01): Failed to sync data - can't live migrate VM with replicated
migration aborted