I've got problem to load any image on the storage more than 2 Gb. With Filezilla I can upload more than 2 gb iso but also in /var/lib/vz ...
The configuration of my proxmoxve is this:
3 nodes clustered with iscsi to access 2 LUN on 2 Synology Storage where are stored the VMs.
I've got two LUN (lun3 and lun4) and I can select the storage when I Create a VM.
All is OK about configuration but the problem is if I have to upload a raw image (a virtual disk already ok) of a VM in the LVM and link that to new created VM. I see that:
/dev/lun4# ls
vm-108-disk-1 vm-203-disk-1
But these are only link to /dev/dm-n (n=0 to 8)
And about upload limit I haven't any apache installed on the cluster so it doesn't exist any max_upload_file string to edit.
I see the manual but is not my real case...
The question is:
If the upload limit on web interface is 2Gb, how can upload with filezilla or other software, vmdk or vdi converted to raw images to the right Sinology LUN and link it like hard disk of a VM?
Thanks very much...Emanuele
I've got problem to load any image on the storage more than 2 Gb. With Filezilla I can upload more than 2 gb iso but also in /var/lib/vz ...
The configuration of my proxmoxve is this:
3 nodes clustered with iscsi to access 2 LUN on 2 Synology Storage where are stored the VMs.
I've got two LUN (lun3 and lun4) and I can select the storage when I Create a VM.
All is OK about configuration but the problem is if I have to upload a raw image (a virtual disk already ok) of a VM in the LVM and link that to new created VM. I see that:
/dev/lun4# ls
vm-108-disk-1 vm-203-disk-1
But these are only link to /dev/dm-n (n=0 to 8)
And about upload limit I haven't any apache installed on the cluster so it doesn't exist any max_upload_file string to edit.
I see the manual but is not my real case...
The question is:
If the upload limit on web interface is 2Gb, how can upload with filezilla or other software, vmdk or vdi converted to raw images to the right Sinology LUN and link it like hard disk of a VM?
Thanks very much...Emanuele