proxmox4 - Dealing with node failure and drbd9

Today after several reboot the two last reboot remove my symbolics links to /dev/drdb10x (block device for one of my VM) disappear from /dev/drbd/by-disk/drbdpool and from/dev/drbd/by-res/. I have to recreate symbolic link in /dev/drbd/by-disk/drbdpool and create directory /dev/drbd/by-res/vm-10?-disk-1 with a symbolic link named 0 to /dev/drdb10x.
Please see for the command to export resources correctly. This should be fixed in the next round of DRBD packages in PVE (currently in pvetest, available in the regular repositories soon).

There is currently no commercial support for DRBD9 from Proxmox, as its integration is a technology preview.