Proxmox won't getting any IP


New Member
Jan 9, 2024
Hello there,
so basically I have this Proxmox installation with 3 virtual machines on a Beelink Mini PC.
This morning I decided to make an apt upgrade (it updated the kernel as i remember), and a reboot but... the web interface didn't show up.
I've attached a screen and nothing seemed wrong, it was asking me login and password.

I've tried to ping Proxmox from my laptop at the address (that was written inside /etc/network/interfaces AND was assigned also in my Fritzbox) but nothing, in the same way, directly from Proxmox (i've attached also a keyboard) i've tried to ping Fritbox at the address, but the host was unreachable.

So I've decided to remove the entry from my Fritzbox, restart Proxmox and something was wrong as Friztbox noticed an attached device, but it did not assign an IP address as it should

so what's wrong?
Some more informations: no matter what I try in /etc/network/interfaces (dhcp or static with an assigned IP address,, the result is the same:

I've tried this command and it gets no answer
ip -o -f inet addr show | awk '/scope global/ {print $4}'

And last but not least: where the hell does it get this address? It was the old addess but there is no more entry in /etc/network/interfaces neither in Fritzbox


Thanks a lot in advance, I really don't understand whats wrong
An update:
I've read another post in this section, it seems that the update did something wrong, so I've typed systemctl status networking and I've seen this error:
"error: vmbr0: bridge port #enp2s0 does not exist"

I actually don't know what it means, I don't know if it was renamed, I don't know how to find the new name, sorry :(

Thanks again
ip a should show you the new name. Interface names usually change when adding/removing PCIe devices (like M.2 SSDs andso on).
Thanks for the answer but I've also tried to set bridge-ports none, the service now starts correctly but it does not work anyway...
I've added/removed nothing, just updated
Ok sorry...
This is the output of ip a now that I've modified again /etc/network/interfaces with static ip address, but the result is the same: Fritzbox does not give any IP, and from Proxmox I can't ping anything...

There is no NIC, only a Wifi interface. Maybe that NIC died or its driver isn't supported anymore?
Maybe the NIC chipset is a Realtek r8111/8411/8168 which is known to cause problems with PVE8?
What is lspci reporting?
There is no NIC, only a Wifi interface. Maybe that NIC died or its driver isn't supported anymore?
Maybe the NIC chipset is a Realtek r8111/8411/8168 which is known to cause problems with PVE8?
What is lspci reporting?
It seems a Realtek as you stated... but it was working, until yesterday, before the update. And I've already had PVE8...
What to do?? Thanks again
