Hi everybody!
I rebooted my Proxmox sever and instead of Proxmox, I am greeted by Grub not being able to find my LVM...

I read up on others having this issue before, on how to fix grub issues from a liveCD through mounting and chrooting into the incapacitated installation, and on LVMs -- but I am having trouble putting it all together for my setup.
In short, my Proxmox server is on an SSD that has the expected three partitions for Boot, EFI and LVM:

Other than a bunch of VM disks (probably should have been given their own space...), the LVM contains the following:

Now, what exactly do I mount where? The step by step guides I find usually assume a non-LVM setup, and sda1,2,3 numbering, and I am having trouble transferring that to mine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I rebooted my Proxmox sever and instead of Proxmox, I am greeted by Grub not being able to find my LVM...

I read up on others having this issue before, on how to fix grub issues from a liveCD through mounting and chrooting into the incapacitated installation, and on LVMs -- but I am having trouble putting it all together for my setup.
In short, my Proxmox server is on an SSD that has the expected three partitions for Boot, EFI and LVM:

Other than a bunch of VM disks (probably should have been given their own space...), the LVM contains the following:

Now, what exactly do I mount where? The step by step guides I find usually assume a non-LVM setup, and sda1,2,3 numbering, and I am having trouble transferring that to mine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!