Proxmox Server after installation - no ssh, no webgui


New Member
May 25, 2024

I have a Debian 12 and am trying to install Proxmox VE.
Access to that server I only have via network.

I accessed the server via ssh and switched to a 'root' console.
I followed one of the many howtos for Debian 12 and Proxmox VE.
(add the apt resource, apt install proxmox ve)
then restart.
all of the howtos then say: https://<main address>:8006
but on 8006 nothing is listening on that server
ssh is also not accessible anymore.
ping is answering.

Whats the default behaviour of proxmox ?
Is there any firewall, I should have pre-configured before restart ?
Why is ssh not accessible anymore, although the server is pingable ?

Is there any possibility to access the server ?

nmap says
Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
9/tcp filtered discard
111/tcp open rpcbind

very unfortunate.

whats more unfortunate is, that no one is answering in this forum. There is a huge amount of self-awnsered question, and if not the other huge amount of question with 0 answers.

I guess my problem is also this

as I did the same, got into recovery mode, then removed `quiet` from grub config in /etc/default/grub (and then update-grub) and now it is stuck trying to get up systemd-timesyncd.service, which tries to get up networking.service/start and never get it up.

the how-to do not mention, that this is needed before.
"before final restart, one must ensure network has been configured (bridge, vlan)"
I guess my problem is also this

as I did the same, got into recovery mode, then removed `quiet` from grub config in /etc/default/grub (and then update-grub) and now it is stuck trying to get up systemd-timesyncd.service, which tries to get up networking.service/start and never get it up.
I ran into the Debian 12 systemd service that waits for the network to be online (according to whatever that service uses to check) in VM/CTs and simply disabled it. It prevents VM/CTs with wireguard and stuff like VPN from starting properly. I can't remember the service name, unfortunately.
If you know Debian, maybe you know? Or maybe you still have NetworkManager still installed/active and NetworkManager-wait-online.service is still enabled?

whats more unfortunate is, that no one is answering in this forum. There is a huge amount of self-awnsered question, and if not the other huge amount of question with 0 answers.
I (tried to) answer 5500 questions, maybe you can help answer some? Some questions are asked every week, so I'm happy you managed to use the search succesfully.
I ran into the Debian 12 systemd service that waits for the network to be online (according to whatever that service uses to check) in VM/CTs and simply disabled it. It prevents VM/CTs with wireguard and stuff like VPN from starting properly. I can't remember the service name, unfortunately.
If you know Debian, maybe you know? Or maybe you still have NetworkManager still installed/active and NetworkManager-wait-online.service is still enabled?

I (tried to) answer 5500 questions, maybe you can help answer some? Some questions are asked every week, so I'm happy you managed to use the search succesfully.
thank you for the answer. I really tried to search for my problem. But I had not much to go with.. I am in hope another fellow stumbles during search over mine. And have your answer and mine combined to help.
From time to time I will visit this and answer as much I can, if I see some, I can answer. I am starting now with proxmox, I got a lot experience with ESX and some with HyperV. Also with kubernetes. There will be much to learn, but I hope I can connect the dots to things I ve learned with ESX and HyperV.


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