Proxmox scalability - max clusters in a datacenter


New Member
Feb 10, 2023
I can't seem to find any info on what the largest distributed (non-datacenter) deployment of ProxMox is. We are investigating replacing Vsphere with another product, and Proxmox is on my list to test. Each site would have few hosts (2-5 per site), but we have more than a thousand sites. Does anyone have any information that I could reference, etc? Any help is greatly appreciated...thanks!
Proxmox does not have native multi-cluster single pane of glass management tool (today). There are a few companies that have built such capabilities, mostly with an eye on CSP market (cloud service providers). A thousand sites with 2-5 nodes per side, I suspect, will require custom development.

Good luck

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
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I was hoping that was not the case, but understand that is a huge investment in resources to dev/test/support these environments. Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
Honestly, as much as I love/use proxmox, for the scale you're talking about, openstack might be a better fit - lots of multi-site tools available for that env, today.. just get your checkbook out..
Openstack is probably overkill - unless you actually need the bells/whistles it brings. And its multi-site federation is a bit of a bolt-on - it works but is clumsily not native to how OpenStack was originally designed.

For multi-site management of a large number small (3-5 node) sites doing rather simple virtualization and storage management you might want to look at XCP-ng.

Note to moderators: I feel somewhat awkward mentioning a competing system here - but it does solve a problem that Proxmox does not (at least not yet). Feel free to delete this post if you feel it is inappropriate.
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There are many
I'd be very curious to know what use-case requires a thousand sites with 2-5 nodes hypervisor cluster in each...

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
Very common actually. There are many use cases in this situation. Retailers like Costco, Walmart, Academy, Target, Home Depot/Lowes, Dollar General...just to name a few, not to mention DMV and other govt instances. I believe our state DMV alone has 1500 sites.
Honestly, as much as I love/use proxmox, for the scale you're talking about, openstack might be a better fit - lots of multi-site tools available for that env, today.. just get your checkbook out..
Yeah we are looking at alternatives to Vmware, so we are only looking at open source options at the moment. Openstack would likely be less than Vmware licensing, but also less feature-rich (or so I would guess). I'm getting an idea how to implement Proxmox for our environment, but will need to beat it up in the lab for a while to make sure it is viable. :)
at that scale, writing a custom integration/monitoring/management/.. solution on top of our API is probably the best way to go - you'll likely require it for some parts of your operation anyway, since neither the current PVE (cluster) GUI nor the upcoming cross-cluster management pane will cover all your bases.

probably contain some helpful information :)
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It depends on your definition of scalability, 30+ nodes is already a lot scalable. If not, there is a multi-cluster management software, some by external, and in the future by proxmox themselves.
I thought VMWare has a limit of about 32 nodes in cluster...
Multi-cluster management would be really nice!
Vmware it's 64 (but 32 for vSAN). That said, IMHO the cluster size doesn't matter much once you get past a dozen as long as you can manage multiple clusters from a single GUI and can vmotion cross clusters (both of which vmware has).