Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.0 released!


Proxmox Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 28, 2005
We're happy to announce the final release of the new Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.0! It's based on the latest stable release of Debian 10.0 (Buster) with a 5.0.21 kernel including the latest security fixes.

We'd like to thank all of you who contributed to the project by testing and providing feedback!

Proxmox-Mail-Gateway-6-0-dashboard.png Proxmox-Mail-Gateway-6-0-quarantine.png Proxmox-Mail-Gateway-6-0-statistics.png Proxmox-Mail-Gateway-6-0-system-report.png

Release notes

Alternate ISO download:


Community Support Forum

Source Code


Q: Can I install the Proxmox Mail Gateway on virtualized environments?

A: Yes, that is the preferred deployment. Just install from the ISO on Proxmox VE or on your preferred hypervisor.

Q: Can I do an inplace-upgrade from Proxmox Mail Gateway 5.2 to 6.0?
A: Yes, please follow exactly our upgrade documentation on

Q: Can I upgrade from the Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.0 beta to the final 6.0 release with apt?
A: Yes, just update your repositories according to

Q: Which apt repository can I use for Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.0?
A: A full list is available on

Q: Can I install the Proxmox Mail Gateway on top of Debian Buster?
A: Yes, see

Q: Can I install the Proxmox Mail Gateway as LXC container?
A: Yes, see

We hope you will like the new Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.0 and are looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,

Martin Maurer
Proxmox Mail Gateway project leader
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So a quick question.

When upgrading a cluster. All my members are current 5.2. So upgrade the "Master" first I figure and then each slave in turn.

Do I need to upgrade the slaves right away or will things function properly in a mixed version cluster.

Reason I ask is that I want a little time to make sure the upgrade functions properly with my "Slightly" tweaked setup.


Lady Linux
In test setups we had quite a few mixed combinations running, and saw no problems - however keep in mind that a testsetup is different from production!
The clusterstack should have no problem with running 5.x and 6.x - but I would suggest to quickly get everything up to the same version.

I probably would take the master/a slave out of the mail-flow (adapt the MX-records, change the configuration of the balancer you have in front..., or just keep the 'postfix' service masked, then tweak and test the config as good as possible and take it back into the mail-flow

I hope this helps! (Else please open a new thread)
Thank You!!!

That makes sense to me and if I run into anything of course I will start a new thread.

Thanks for this wonderful product.

Lady Linux
Internet Explorer 11 doesn't show the Quarantine Page, it stays blank.
Google Chrome + Firefox are fine ...
Maybe you should note this somewhere in your Release Notes or Documentation ...