Proxmox isnt connecting to network after new NIC R730XD


New Member
Mar 12, 2024
I recently upgraded my NIC to a 4 port 10GBE. after this nothing network related and I have looked at multiple other times this happened on the forums and none of them helped. I have uploaded photos of some of the things that I commonly see requested. All of my CT and VM are booting up but not able to connect to internet. I am only able to access due to IDRAC. I can't access WebUI and can't ping it from other machines as it doesn't show u0p on the router either.


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When you say upgrade, did you add a new PCI device?

If so, then upon doing so your network ID have changed.

Compare the results returned with the new NIC installed and without the new NIC as shown from
ip a

The config file found at...
is still looking for your old network IDs.

If that is the case (as it was for me), simply edited the network interface file to reflect the network IDs.

Hope this helps!
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So it was actually the daughter board that I had changed. Where can I find the network IDs and where do I change them.
  1. Power down your machine.
  2. Physically remove/unplug the newly added NIC
  3. Power up your machine
  4. Open your Command Line Interface
  5. Use ip a or ip link to view the current network names (something like "enp.....") If your read from left to right you will see that for the network devices that are currently in use will say "UP" and the ones that are inactive will say "DOWN".
  6. Take note of the results (cellphone picture is easy). These are the network names that I suspect are being reassigned when adding your network daughter board (usually to a name with incremented number)
  7. For a sanity check, view the contents of /etc/network/interfaces to make the correlation between the network names your just took note of. These are the values that will not automatically update thus, why your node cannot reach the network using the "old names"
  8. Once again, Power down your machine
  9. Physically reconnect/plug in the new NIC again.
  10. Repeat steps 3, 4 & 5 (you will need to connect to the machine another way OTHER THAN via network, so direct with keyboard and monitor is an easy way)
  11. Take another photo, these are the NEW network ID that have been assigned.
  12. Now, open /etc/network/interfaces once more.
  13. Look for the network names that have changed slightly and update them to their new names.
  14. Save & Close
  15. Run this command to update the system network systemctl restart networking
    or simply reboot!

If those steps do not work, perhaps my wording is confusing and you might find the same process outlined better by search this forum for "network down after" you will find many similar cases. Also, there are guides on how to assign a persistent name to prevent this from reoccurring after future hardware changes.
So it seems that only port 1 and 2 dont work while 3 and 4 do work. I have attacked an image of the difference between the old and new NIC difference. While port 1 and 2 keep their old alt name of enp1s0f# the new ones keep the numbers enp2s0f#. How can I manually change them to the new alt names so they use the proper ones.


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