Proxmox Doamins


Mar 11, 2019
My apologies if this information already exists, however I am unable to find it. I am looking for a list of external domains that a fresh instal of PVE will attempt to connect to and their intended uses. I am installing PVE in a highly restrictive network and would like to open up access to what is needed for updates. On that note, is there list of ports and protocols PVE needs to communicate with other nodes?
Great! Thank you! BTW, it would be helpful if the Ports wiki was updated to a bit more descriptive. Simple example, in regards to the web interface, "TCP port 8006 needs to be open to clients inbound to the PVE node(s)." Without needing to do more research, which I am not implying I am against, I have no idea what "SPICE proxy" is used for, whether it is UDP, TCP, or both, if it needs to be open between PVE nodes or to clients, or something else. After some quick searching I understand that it is a remote-viewer similar to VNC. My point being I think it would be helpful to include some of this information on that page.