proxmox create storage failed: prxmxBU: error fetching datastores - fingerprint not verified abort


Apr 14, 2022
During installation of prmx backup server i was following this instruction guide:
when i reached this part of the guide:

8.2 Using the Proxmox VE Command‐Line
You need to define a new storage with type ’pbs’ on your Proxmox VE node. The following example uses store2 as the storage’s name, and assumes the server address is localhost and you want to connect as user1@pbs.
# pvesm add pbs store2 --server localhost --datastore store2
# pvesm set store2 --username user1@pbs --password

i received this error while trying to define new storage via the cmd line:
proxmox create storage failed: prxmxBU: error fetching datastores - fingerprint not verified abort

I tried several different things but could not get these commands to work and no storage was defined.
the fix that finally worked was to use the web gui on the :8006 page following this youtube video:

after following these steps the storage was defined correctly and the backup server worked properly.

also another very good source of info on functionality and how to install is this video:

but this person also ran into errors at the same step above.
So this post hopefully helps anyone that bumps into the same issues while trying to define storage at this section of the user guide.
Did you provide the PBS fingerprint? Something like pvesm add pbs store2 --server localhost --datastore store2 --fingerprint $fingerprint should work I think.