Proxmox cluster with local ZFS storage: zpool create issue


Apr 9, 2021
We had a single Proxmox node with local ZFS storage. After a few months, we have added a second node, so we have created a cluster on the node 1 and added the node 2. Both nodes have local storage.

We were going to create the storage pool at the second node with the same name used at node 1 (/tank), but after the execution of the "zpool create tank..." command, an error message is shown: the /tank directory already exists at the second node.

We have not created that /tank mount point yet. In fact, we were in the process of creation. After listing that directory, we found that there is a directory named "iso" that also exists in node 1, so we think that after joining the cluster, the node 2 has received that /tank/iso directory.

Is it safe to remove the /tank (and the inner iso) directory at node 2 (rm -f /tank) and then execute again the "zpool create tank..." command?

The "iso" storage, of type Directory, was defined at node 1. I marked it to be available only at node 1 (not sure if this step was mandatory).
On node2, I removed /tank directory
On node 2, I created the zpool (zpool create tank...)
On node 1, I marked "iso" storage available for all nodes.