My purpose is to use gluster to implement a very easy replicated local storage (like VMWare vsan).
I have a Proxmox cluster with node1 and node2 and some local disks.
I installed the gluster server on each nodes and create a gluster volume (distributed/replicated) with the local disks.
Now I want to mount the gluster volume on node1 from "localhost" with node2 as a backup and
on node2 from "localhost" with node1 as a backup.
But from the proxmox GUI I can set localhost as primary server but for the backup I can set node1 OR node2.
If I set the node1 as backup this is not good for node1 the backup need to be node2 same problem for node2 if I set node2.
A possible bypass ? I mounted the gluster volume from the "/etc/fstab" and create from the proxmox GUI a shared "directory" storage.
Best regards.
My purpose is to use gluster to implement a very easy replicated local storage (like VMWare vsan).
I have a Proxmox cluster with node1 and node2 and some local disks.
I installed the gluster server on each nodes and create a gluster volume (distributed/replicated) with the local disks.
Now I want to mount the gluster volume on node1 from "localhost" with node2 as a backup and
on node2 from "localhost" with node1 as a backup.
But from the proxmox GUI I can set localhost as primary server but for the backup I can set node1 OR node2.
If I set the node1 as backup this is not good for node1 the backup need to be node2 same problem for node2 if I set node2.
A possible bypass ? I mounted the gluster volume from the "/etc/fstab" and create from the proxmox GUI a shared "directory" storage.
Best regards.