I am dealing with a problem concerning certificates from proxmox. I ve tried to deal with that unsecure lock logo while
loading the proxmox page so I went to pve node named for example proxmoxnode, System->Certificate section, and first step
I registered an account with options ACME Directory Lets Encrypt V2 / Accept TOS ticked / and an email.
After that I went to add so the pop up window Create: Domain showed up and at Challenge Type chose HTTP (other option
was to select DNS but I dont know which of the two needed) and at domain I typed proxmoxnode.local (which was what exactly i entered
as a name for my proxmox installation MAYBE that filed wanted something like proxmoxnode.local.com - to have 3 names instead of
two I gave it?) After pressing Create The proxmox node.local is being created in the acme window and press Order Certificates Now
which is where I am getting the error message.
<<Loading ACME account details
Placing ACME order
TASK ERROR: Error: POST to https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-order
{ "type": "urn:ietf
arams:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier", "detail": "Error creating new order
:: Cannot issue for \"proxmoxnode.local\": Domain name does not end with a valid public suffix (TLD)", "status": 400 }
I know it all comes up to the <<Domain name does not end with a valid public suffix>> message but I dont know how to resolv that.
I ve also tried at http giving it the ip address instead of the name but getting the same error with the difference
The ACME server can not issue a certificate for an IP address <<The ACME server can not issue a certificate for an IP address>>
I am stuck there since if I crate the VM's and containers first and after that change the node name I ll have double the trouble resolving from that problem - having
VM's not loading .
PS Also I d like to know the way to setup proxmox in order to have the ability to type the name of the server:8006 ro load instead
of the static IP.
Thank you in advance.
I am dealing with a problem concerning certificates from proxmox. I ve tried to deal with that unsecure lock logo while
loading the proxmox page so I went to pve node named for example proxmoxnode, System->Certificate section, and first step
I registered an account with options ACME Directory Lets Encrypt V2 / Accept TOS ticked / and an email.
After that I went to add so the pop up window Create: Domain showed up and at Challenge Type chose HTTP (other option
was to select DNS but I dont know which of the two needed) and at domain I typed proxmoxnode.local (which was what exactly i entered
as a name for my proxmox installation MAYBE that filed wanted something like proxmoxnode.local.com - to have 3 names instead of
two I gave it?) After pressing Create The proxmox node.local is being created in the acme window and press Order Certificates Now
which is where I am getting the error message.
<<Loading ACME account details
Placing ACME order
TASK ERROR: Error: POST to https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-order
{ "type": "urn:ietf

:: Cannot issue for \"proxmoxnode.local\": Domain name does not end with a valid public suffix (TLD)", "status": 400 }
I know it all comes up to the <<Domain name does not end with a valid public suffix>> message but I dont know how to resolv that.
I ve also tried at http giving it the ip address instead of the name but getting the same error with the difference
The ACME server can not issue a certificate for an IP address <<The ACME server can not issue a certificate for an IP address>>
I am stuck there since if I crate the VM's and containers first and after that change the node name I ll have double the trouble resolving from that problem - having
VM's not loading .
PS Also I d like to know the way to setup proxmox in order to have the ability to type the name of the server:8006 ro load instead
of the static IP.
Thank you in advance.