Proxmox backup client for windows ALPHA

Thank you for the excellent work on the proxmoxbackupclient_go tool!
I think that it lacks for two important options:
1- A way to perform backup from two different paths in a single command (and so, creating a single backup dataset)
2- A way to exclude certain files or directories from backup (using regex)

Is there a plan to include those features?
Since the official PBS team has had a Windows client on their roadmap for many years, I was wondering if you had any contact with them. A proven working client like yours should speed up the development of the official client if there is interest from Proxmox's side.

you could also mount Windows shares in PBS using a script, save it and then unmount it again.

Has anyone ever tried this?

--- code ---


# Define variables
BACKUP_DIR="/mnt/smb/share-name" # The directory to be backed up
BACKUP_SERVER="proxmox-backup-server" # IP or hostname of the Proxmox Backup Server
BACKUP_USER="backupuser" # Username for the Proxmox Backup Server
BACKUP_PASSWORD="backuppassword" # Password for the Proxmox Backup Server
BACKUP_JOB="backup-job-name" # Name of the backup job

# Create the mount point if it does not exist
mkdir -p "$MOUNT_POINT"

# Mount the Windows share
mount -t cifs "$SHARE" "$MOUNT_POINT" -o username="windowsuser",password="windowspassword",vers=3.0

# Check if the mount was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error mounting the Windows share."
exit 1

# Backing up the folder using the Proxmox Backup Client
proxmox-backup-client backup "$BACKUP_DIR" --repository "$BACKUP_SERVER" --username "$BACKUP_USER" --password "$BACKUP_PASSWORD" --backup-job "$BACKUP_JOB"

# Check if the backup was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error backing up the folder."
umount "$MOUNT_POINT"
exit 1

# Unmount the Windows share
umount "$MOUNT_POINT"

# Check if the unmount was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error unmounting the Windows share."
exit 1
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That gave me an interesting idea. Could you create a volume shadow copy on the windows machine.. then mount a drive from the PBS to the windows machine and PULL the shadow copy into the PBS? (similar to the above script)