Proxmox backup client for windows ALPHA


New Member
Dec 4, 2023
Hi, i'm happy to announce that i've developed a client to do backups written in Go which works on windows
It also uses shadow volume snapshots to allow backing up opened files, like Veeam and similiar stuff do

The software is alpha quality at best as of now , and only CLI, i take no responsability for data loss even of source folders or other stuff, feedback is welcome
and also improvements, like ditching terminal output and adding a nice tray icon
And also for example a job configuration json file
Sounds great. Especially that VSS are supported. Will have to tinker with it next weekend. Good luck with that project.
I did several tests on this current alpha version, 0.0.3, it's working beautifully! I tried it on Windows 7, Windows 10 LTSC and Windows 2019 and the backup was successful on all of them.

Here is some information for anyone who wants to test it:
1 - You will have to run as administrator because it uses the Windows API to generate VSS snapshot (to make backups of open files)
2 - Due to option 1, you will have to tell Windows Defender to ignore it

To me, this project seems like it will be a great addition to the PVE community.
I was searching for this. Great I will to will put the client on Window m/c in action and will update the result.
@tizbac : Great work! And many thanks for sharing this!
After (self-)build of the exe file, we are able to backup our windows machines :)

Is there someone who write a log an send it per email? HowTo?

Backup good. Restore? We are not able to restore some Files.
"Fehler - Serverfehler"
Someone same situation?
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Hello guys!
Please, can anyone tell me how to restore a backup using this client?
There is no way to restore from the client! The restoration process works as follows:
1 - Access PBS or any PVE, then go to the Datastore/Storage where you made the backup and search for the generated backup.
2 - After that, open it, with File Restore if it is in PVE or PBS, with the option to access the files and finally, select the desired folder and click on Download.
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