Proxmox Android App - noVNC console not working


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2019

I have the proxmox android app working fine and I can use Spice to open consoles but if I try to use the noVNC console it always times out with this error.

SocketException: Failed host lookup: '' (OS Error: No address associated with hostanme, errno=7)

I have a proper (not self certified) ssl certificate installed but for some reason the app will only connect if it turn off the "Validate SSL Connections" off. If I access the web ui in my phone I do not get any warnings about the certiticate being bad? Do I need to delete the originally created self certified certs in proxmox?

I have installed the pve-root-ca.pem onto my phone - is there anything else I need to do?
I have just noticed the pve-ssl.pem cert has an old local Ip address in Subject Alternate Names in it where I initially installed the server with a different Ip - how can I regenerate this cert to have the correct ip? assuming this may be the problem?

EDIT- ran pvecm updatecerts --force and its sorted that but I still have the issue above.
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From the error message this looks like a name resolution issue to me. I would hope if this would be a Certificate error you would get another error.

Does the host name look correct, and can you ping it?
yes I can ping it fine - its the same hostname as what the main proxmox app is connecting to so it can defintely connect ok - as I said the spice viewer works fine - seems just a problem with the vnc viewer side, the screen befoe says it requres a valid ssl and I cannot connect without "Validate SSL Connections" off so thats why I suspect its an ssl issue..