[SOLVED] Proxmox 7.0-11 Headless boot with Gigabyte X570S UD


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2019
This may not be a Proxmox issue as it could just be the motherboard, but here is my observation which I wonder if you have any clues.

I am trying to boot Proxmox 7.0-11 headlessly after the initial installation.
With the GPU still attached, everything works normally and I could access the WebGUI from another PC in the same LAN.
Now removing the GPU, the boot caused the motherboard to beep complaining no GPU, but it actually does boot pass BIOS.
Reason is that the power button does not do an instant soft off, instead, it does a graceful shutdown with hard disk LED flashing as expected.
however, in this situation the web GUI can’t be accesse.

It looks like to some extent Proxmox was booted, but something is preventing a normal operation.
I will test further with a Ubuntu OS installation to confirm the issue, but I would appreciate if you have any idea about the above situation.
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By removing a PCI device (like the GPU) the PCI-number of some other devices might decrease by one. The network controller name is nowadays dependent on the PCI-numer and may have changed. This might be the cause that you cannot access the Proxmox web GUI. You'll probably need to edit /etc/network/interfaces to match the new name.
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By removing a PCI device (like the GPU) the PCI-number of some other devices might decrease by one. The network controller name is nowadays dependent on the PCI-numer and may have changed. This might be the cause that you cannot access the Proxmox web GUI. You'll probably need to edit /etc/network/interfaces to match the new name.
Thanks, I will look into it, is there a way to tell the new name without GPU?
it actually seems the NIC was down in this situation
What is the name of your NIC according to /etc/network/interfaces or the Proxmox System Network settings? If its enpXs0 for example, then it will probably be enp(X-1)s0. You can also change the name to something that does not change by adding udev rules, but I don't know how to do that without searching this forum (or the internet).

EDIT: Maybe adding net.ifnames=0 to your kernel parameters will give you eth0 instead of a name based on PCI-id? But if you have multiple NICs, they might swap names every boot.
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You could add a udev rule to enforce naming of the NIC(s) by their MAC address, for example open /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules in an editor and write something like:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", NAME="eth0"
Adapt the MAC, you can get the actual value from the ip link output, for example.

Then you can change /etc/network/interfaces to using eth0
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Thanks avw and t.lamprecht, this is exactly the reason!
Upon inserting the GPU back, the name of the interface changes number as enpXs0 with different X.

Using the said method I am able to lock the NIC's name to eth0 and now removing the GPU it becomes a happy headless server!

PS: Is this a new change needed for PVE 7? I actually have a X399 and a X470 system running PVE 6, I don't remember having the same issue when I inserted/uninserted GPUs.
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