Hello Proxmox community ! 
I inherited a Proxmox 2-nodes setup at my new workplace and since it's running the EOL 5.4.15, I thought I would take a look at how to upgrade it to 6.x which is supported.
So I started the procedure here https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_5.x_to_6.0 and Corosync 3 got installed properly on both of my nodes but I seems to have lost quorum now.
I am a fairly new beginner with Proxmox, my previous experience was on VMware 5.x.
Would someone have any pointers to help me out ?
Here are some relevant config/info
PVE2 quorum status
PVE3 quorum status
/etc/pve/corosync.conf (same on both nodes)
The side effect of this is that the "unified" management UI for the 2 nodes doesn't show the PVE3 node anymore (red cross and "unknown" status for VM's)
Appreciate any help !

I inherited a Proxmox 2-nodes setup at my new workplace and since it's running the EOL 5.4.15, I thought I would take a look at how to upgrade it to 6.x which is supported.
So I started the procedure here https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_5.x_to_6.0 and Corosync 3 got installed properly on both of my nodes but I seems to have lost quorum now.
I am a fairly new beginner with Proxmox, my previous experience was on VMware 5.x.
Would someone have any pointers to help me out ?
Here are some relevant config/info
PVE2 quorum status
root@pve2:~# pvecm status
Quorum information
Date: Tue Nov 17 15:33:14 2020
Quorum provider: corosync_votequorum
Nodes: 1
Node ID: 0x00000001
Ring ID: 1.14
Quorate: No
Votequorum information
Expected votes: 2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes: 1
Quorum: 2 Activity blocked
Membership information
Nodeid Votes Name
0x00000001 1 (local)
PVE3 quorum status
root@pve3:~# pvecm status
Quorum information
Date: Tue Nov 17 15:33:01 2020
Quorum provider: corosync_votequorum
Nodes: 1
Node ID: 0x00000002
Ring ID: 2.14
Quorate: No
Votequorum information
Expected votes: 2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes: 1
Quorum: 2 Activity blocked
Membership information
Nodeid Votes Name
0x00000002 1 (local)
/etc/pve/corosync.conf (same on both nodes)
logging {
debug: off
to_syslog: yes
nodelist {
node {
name: pve2
nodeid: 1
quorum_votes: 1
ring0_addr: pve2
node {
name: pve3
nodeid: 2
quorum_votes: 1
ring0_addr: pve3
quorum {
provider: corosync_votequorum
totem {
cluster_name: ha-earlytracks
config_version: 4
interface {
ringnumber: 0
ip_version: ipv4
secauth: on
version: 2
The side effect of this is that the "unified" management UI for the 2 nodes doesn't show the PVE3 node anymore (red cross and "unknown" status for VM's)
Appreciate any help !
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