Can yo confirm this please :
- if you don't need automagical HA, you can have a 2 nodes cluster, but you will have to fight when you will want to migrate VMs from a down node (is it at last possible ?)
- if you want automagical HA, you need at last 3 working nodes because of the quorum algorithm (and when a node fails, do quick resolve the problem because a problem on a second node could lead to an instable/bistable cluster)
You always have to fight to migrate vms (I've asked multiple times to be able to do it through GUI, search the forum), you have to "mv" config files in the cluster path of the surviving server, having the quorum or not. Without quorum you just have, in addition, to manually force it to 1 to be able to manipulate configuration for the mv above and have the node work fine.
Only HA does the migration "automatically", you can't click on the died host in the gui and select "migrate", nor you have other GUI way to do so.
In any case, a cluster needs minimum 3 nodes, forcing quorum to 1 COULD be dangerous if you are not aware of the real (physical) state of the died server (starting the same VM in 2 nodes destroyes it), and with proxmox 4.1 HA with 2 nodes is out of questions.
All the above AFAIU and from what I've experienced so far (testing "bad conditions" in a virtualized 3 nodes cluster).
AFAIU, es. in case of a SAN, VMWare has a better model where HA with 2 nodes is safe (the node is considered alive based on multiple conditions, and the more clever one is the ability to contact the storage, not only the other nodes like in Proxmox).