Proxmox 3.0 web ui on port 443 instead of 8006


Active Member
Dec 28, 2010
I would like to change the webui port on my Proxmox 3.0 installation to port 443, not 8006.

I notice it is hardcoded in pveproxy, and changing the port to 443 gives the following error:

pveproxyunable to create socket - IO::Socket::INET: Permission denied

This appears to be running as www-data, and I CAN change the port to some of the higher ports like 8007 or 9000, but not any of the lower ports.... do you know what might be causing this, and is it possible to change the port to 443?

Hi! You can just use iptables to remap incoming packets from port 443 to port 8006.
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d <server ip> -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination <server ip>:8006
Hi! You can just use iptables to remap incoming packets from port 443 to port 8006.
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d <server ip> -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination <server ip>:8006

Thanks! I tried this and it works great, thanks for the help!
Warning! Anyone that uses this needs to carefully work this out, as more research is needed. I had an OpenVZ container running on venet, and for some reason could not wget/connect/lynx to ANYTHING ON PORT 443, which made some of my applications break... after a little bit of trying to figure this out it immediately struck me that this was the reason! All of my 443 requests were getting IPTABLED on before they ever got to Going to do a little bit more research on IPTABLES to see if I can filter for source/originating IP somehow... Just thought I might save someone a little bit of annoyance!
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You can filter incoming on either interface or IP.

IP: [!] -s, --source address[/mask][,...] Exclamation mark means not
Interface: [!] -i, --in-interface name Exclamation mark means not
Of course you must exactly define packets intended only to your Proxmox server. Use for definition following options in your iptables rules:
-s (source ip) to identify from which host you access Proxmox GUI
-d (destination ip) to identify ip of your Proxmox server. If there are some other servers with this ip it relates to it also
-i (incomming interface) to define interface(s) on which you will (or will not) redirect traffic.

... maybe some other options depending on your configuration
Hi Guys,

I'm new to this forum and new to Proxmox and Linux.

I want to change management port 8006 to 80 or 443. I have build a server at home and I want to access it from outside. As I do not have background in Linux command, I'm unable to execute any of the command in proxmox shell. Can I please ask someone to help me to provide commands or refer to somewhere to fix it. Appreciate your help.
My configuration

/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8006 -i vmbr0

iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules

Edit /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload and put following lines into it.
iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules
exit 0

chmod 755 /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload

Install Redirect HTTPD

apt-get install gcc and xinetd
untar the file make & make install

Edit /etc/xinetd.conf add

service rhttp
disable = no
flags = IPv4
port = 80
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/local/sbin/in.rhttpd

Edit /etc/services
Comment http and add rhttp

rhttp 80/tcp # Forward Proxmox port

Edit the URL in /usr/local/rhttpd/redirect

and put https://<proxmoxserverurl>

<proxmoxserverurl> is the proxmox server IP or Name.

Reboot the server
Warning! Anyone that uses this needs to carefully work this out, as more research is needed. I had an OpenVZ container running on venet, and for some reason could not wget/connect/lynx to ANYTHING ON PORT 443, which made some of my applications break... after a little bit of trying to figure this out it immediately struck me that this was the reason! All of my 443 requests were getting IPTABLED on before they ever got to Going to do a little bit more research on IPTABLES to see if I can filter for source/originating IP somehow... Just thought I might save someone a little bit of annoyance!

I'm having the same issue right now. Trying to port-forward incoming requests to port 80 and 443 to a container, but it's not working. AFAIK the vanilla web-interface doesn't have a way to change this behavior
@mir posted the correct addition 3 years ago: Interface or ip-based rules.

I'm forwarding 80 and 443 to a container too on one Proxmox box, so it works perfectly. You have to use the official IP as destination address and then DNAT the packages to the container. The packages from the container (the answer packages) need to be snat'ed, so you need rules for that too. Ah, and do not forget the firewall: If you use the PVE firewall, you need to add rules for the host and the guest too.