Promox 8.1.11 vGPU and Plex hw transcoding


New Member
Apr 14, 2024
Im not sure even where to start.

Basically i've enabled vGPU on a 2060 for pci passthrough to plex server and 2 windows vms.
The issue happens even with the windows vms off. Basically plex just cant used the transcode feature after about 10mins of being online. it'll error out saying unknown error.
I can see the streams trying to go in the nvidia-smi panel and Tautulli shows the streams but with a transcode rate of 0:0 which i guess means its not going but the setup is working in some ways as i can see h/w transcoding happening on the same test file just mins after plex server boot and it'll play the whole file, can get 2 streams going too just if a stream start 5-10mins after plex server boot it wont start.

direct play still works though.
windows vms seem to have no issues