My System is an upgraded PromoxVE 1.9 Setup running on Primergy Rx300S6.
I like to detect my raid controller:
lspci says:
01:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic LSI MegaSAS 9260 (rev 05)
i have installed the driver from http://jonas.genannt.name/.
but with tw_cli show i gave...
proxmox01:~/x86_64# tw_cli show
No controller found.
Make sure appropriate LSI/3ware device driver(s) are loaded.
Can anyone help me with the setup?
My System is an upgraded PromoxVE 1.9 Setup running on Primergy Rx300S6.
I like to detect my raid controller:
lspci says:
01:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic LSI MegaSAS 9260 (rev 05)
i have installed the driver from http://jonas.genannt.name/.
but with tw_cli show i gave...
proxmox01:~/x86_64# tw_cli show
No controller found.
Make sure appropriate LSI/3ware device driver(s) are loaded.
Can anyone help me with the setup?