After last update of PMG crashed (Freezed) near every day. I have only restart possibility. PMG is instolled over VM on the VMWare 1.8.0 Can you help me?
Code:Dec 12 20:54:38 pmg postfix/smtpd[21557]: disconnect from unknown[] helo=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 commands=2/3 Dec 13 10:19:42 pmg systemd[1]: Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage...
It shows no output on the console. :/
I'm still trying to find some solution at S.O or Hypervisor.
Any solution, I put here.
Usually when there's a kernel-problem you see some messages on the console - please post them here - otherwise it's hard to help in debugging
Hey netubild.
try the following, disable the interface lro.
ethtool -K <name interface> lro off
PS: I forgot to report my problem here.
no, here's nothing. kernel does'nt response to icmp, console shows login prompt and does not react anymore, no reaction on strg+alt+delete
hey, thx... i'll try it
Unfortunately, not work for me
root@mail01:~# sudo ethtool -K ens224 lro off
Cannot get device udp-fragmentation-offload settings: Operation not supported
Cannot get device udp-fragmentation-offload settings: Operation not supported
One more detail, install the proxmox on top of a pure debian, I'm not using an image that Proxmox makes available. And, I'm using the debian kernel itself..
Try this, that worked for me.
* Try configuring remote syslogging for pmg - and enable persistent journalling (mkdir /var/log/journal) - check what happens after the "freeze"