[SOLVED] Phantom SQL backup job related to PBS backup?

May 28, 2020
South Africa
Hello everyone!

I have run into a strange issue and I am hoping you all could offer some insight into the issue.

Currently i have a Prox Backup Server servicing my production cluster of 14 hosts.

I have a dedicated backup job that runs daily to do a snapshot backup of this VM

Backup works perfectly

Recently our DBAs alerted to us to a unknown internal SQL backup job occurring daily on this DB

After much head scratching and digging I have been able to trace this backup job back to the backup task (they are occurring at the same time).

Can anyone give me any idea as to what is transpiring here?

Thanks in advance.
possibly triggered by the guest-agent's fs-freeze action (it is possible to hook into that inside the guest). PVE doesn't set up anything like that on its own though, so must have been done by an admin or the guest OS..