There is zero Windows anything involved. I don't know why you think there it was just Nextcloud complaining about the backslash after all. this is unfortunate, but syncing PBS task logs to Windows(-compatible) systems is not really something we care about
NextCloud doesn't allow syncing of files with "\" in their name. the reason is that Windows cannot handle them
There hasn`t to be any Windows involved. What fabian meant was that if the Nextcloud developers code it to be compatible with Windows it won't work with "\" no matter if you are using Linux, Mac or whatever, as it otherwise wouldn't sync with people using Windows.That is irrelevant, there is _zero_ Windows involved. My desktop isn't Windows, it's Linux, same for the nextCloud server (Linux). I uploaded via the webGUI, which is my browser. Where do you think Windows comes into play at all here? Because there's zero Windows involved.