PBS remote to PBS problem with "owner check error"


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
I have a PBS setup at location A which also has all the VM's on the same network

I have PBS set up at location B which is where I would like to sync the datastores from PBS A to PBS B

on PBS B I have set up the remote as being PBS A


Port 8007 is forwarded

when it runs it returns these errors


I am not great at Linux but as far as I know I don't have a user "backup"
Both PBS are using Beta 2 ISO CD installation.
Any help appreciated.

Sorry guys , not sure what I did BUT i clicked around and tried to add root@pam to the PERMISSIONS of the Datastore on PBS B.
it didn't seem to do anything or even save in the list but I clicked on RUN and now it is running.

On system A ( the doner system on the local VM network), I see the owner as

however on the receiver / WAN / remote PBS I see the owner as being

the sync currently uses 'backup@pam' on the receiving end, and will refuse to overwrite existing backup groups with a different owner. this is currently being worked on (so that it's possible to set the owner when configuring a sync job, or use the one from the source) - see https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2864

if your receiving datastore is empty, this should not happen - can you make sure?
Hi Fabian,
I found a work around which is to "add root@pam to the PERMISSIONS of the Datastore".
It does not show anything being added to the list but you can then run the job.

To confirm the first time I found this error I DID delete all the files fromt he file store so it was empty.
The error still persisted until I "add root@pam to the PERMISSIONS of the Datastore"

enjoying the product very much
