PBS iptables


Active Member
Dec 7, 2019

I have two questions to the PBS installation:

Will a firewall be integrated in the future like in Proxmox VE?

Does anyone have a recommendation for the iptables configuration?

Thank you in advance
AFAIK this is not planned, but you can use any firewall that is a available on debian if you like
what exactly do you want to firewall?

there are only 2 ports open, 22 (ssh) and 8007 (webui) in a default setup
To add a bit on the previous post: It's on the long term roadmap, so yes, somewhat planned but not anytime soon.

And technically PBS really only needs TCP on port 8007 for the API as there all management and backup traffic happens, SSH is not required for anything PBS offers but can naturally be useful for you if you want to use SSH to manage that host.