PBS ERROR: permission denied on: /etc/ssl/private


Jun 22, 2020

when i start garbage collector in proxmox backup server version 0.8-X then this ocurs:

2020-11-13T19:09:36+02:00: starting garbage collection on store ssd2
2020-11-13T19:09:36+02:00: Start GC phase1 (mark used chunks)
2020-11-13T19:09:47+02:00: TASK ERROR: cannot continue garbage-collection safely, permission denied on: /etc/ssl/private

i upgraded my pbs to latest 1.0-1 and rebooted my server running this:
# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade

but the problem still,
i'm checked the permissions of /etc/ssl/private and compared with other working server but have the same permissions:

# ls -l /etc/ssl/ | grep private
drwx--x--- 2 root ssl-cert 3 Aug 25 23:39 private

# ls -l /etc/ssl/private/
total 5
-rw-r----- 1 root ssl-cert 1704 Aug 25 23:39 ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
apt-get upgrade

Always use apt-get dist-upgrade (or the newer unified apt CLI tool with apt full-upgrade) for upgrading please.

2020-11-13T19:09:47+02:00: TASK ERROR: cannot continue garbage-collection safely, permission denied on: /etc/ssl/private

That's a rather weird error for GC, where is your datastore mounted? Can you please post the output of: proxmox-backup-manager datastore list

i'm using apt-get dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade with proxmox but not with pbs, i'm documented this to run future upgrades,

my datastore is a zfs mounted directly in /

# df -h
Filesystem        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev               XXG     0   XXG   0% /dev
tmpfs             XXG  XXM  XXG   1% /run
rpool/ROOT/pbs-1   XXT   XXT  XXT  68% /
tmpfs              XXG     0   XXG   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs             XXM     0  XXM   0% /run/lock
tmpfs              XXG     0   XXG   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
rpool             XXT  XXK  XXT   1% /rpool
rpool/ROOT        XXT  XXK  XXT   1% /rpool/ROOT
tmpfs             XXG     0  XXG   0% /run/user/0

# proxmox-backup-manager datastore list
│ name │ path │ comment │
│ ssd2 │ /    │         │

my datastore is a zfs mounted directly in /

Ok, like I thought, but why? I'd advise against using root as datastore entry, we may even want to forbid that in the API...

I'd highly recommend moving it to at least one folder down.

If you already have important data on it, you can do something like:

mdkir /datastore
mv /.chunks /ct /vm /host /ns /datastore/

# edit the path entry in the datastore config from / to /datastore
nano /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg

edited for namespace folder, which may be present since PBS 2.2
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sorry for the delay,

yes! solved with your commands, i executed this:

mkdir /backup
chown backup:backup backup

#all other mentioned dirs just not exist
mv /vm /backup/

nano /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg
#and changed path config to /backup

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Reactions: Riesling.Dry
mdkir /datastore
mv /.chunks /ct /vm /host /datastore/

# edit the path entry in the datastore config from / to /datastore
nano /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg
If anyone finds this thread: the named folders might not be up-to-date anymore. If you for example have a namespace you also need to move the ns folder (at least).

Here is the procedure that worked for me:
mkdir /datastore
chown backup:backup /datastore
mv /.chunks /ns /.lock /datastore/
nano /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg

#replace "/" with "/datastore"

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Hello, I´have the same problem. datastore itself was properly moved and everything, including .chunks is now at the correct place. But the Garbage collection still uses the old path and says
TASK ERROR: cannot continue garbage-collection safely, permission denied on: "/media/storage/borgbackup/data"
Yes, that's why I ask. The corect path is /media/storage/pbs and no lkonger /media/storage. all the folders and the .chunks have been moved to /media/storage/pbs/ the config also contains this path. But the GC does not notice it.
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You can try restarting the services to avoid some stale state (shouldn't happen but you never know).
So this is the new location? If so, what's the output of:

ls -la /media/storage/borgbackup/data
pbs 1.1-14
systemctl restart proxmox-backup.service
systemctl restart proxmox-backup-proxy.service
Thanks for this thread, explanations and the solutions!
Maybe in future releases, avoid this 'problem' by simply preventing user from adding '/' (a.k.a. root) as datastore entry :)
Thanks for this thread, explanations and the solutions!
Maybe in future releases, avoid this 'problem' by simply preventing user from adding '/' (a.k.a. root) as datastore entry :)
this should be fixed in proxmox-backup-server >= 3.2.9-1 with commit:
Disallow creating datastores in non-empty directories

Did you recently experience this issue or did you just stumble upon this thread for different reasons?