[SOLVED] Passing over gpu to linux - no screens found error


Sep 17, 2021
I want to
1. Have 5 VM boxes
2. Be able to assign GPU to 1 of the boxes at a time depending on which one I want to work
3. Have smooth experience.

What I got working so far is
1. IOMMU pass
2. GPU in Linux
3. Installed nvidia drivers
4. It "seems" to work but its not 60 fps...

Running SPICE as my protocol...

I'm totally lost :- ) What should I look after?
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Some progress update.
Checking all cmds/etc I think the gpu is properly attached/driversi installed. What is the problem that GNOME is not using it, but instead going with Virtio.

I have tried running nvidia-config, which did some configs.
But sadly after restarting I just get "_" flashing on black screen
Looking in to cmd log in xorg I Can see that that he errrosd on
Fatal server error :
No screens found (EE)
I even tried connecting cable & monitor to GPU as test, it just shows PROXMOX start boot option, but it does seem to update/change as I reboot VM.

Still digging, any hints/ideas would be great!
Seems like something fail to initialize with screens and I need to "fix it", strange that cable didn't help : p

Im also seeing some
GdmDisplay: Session never registered, failing

Wops found this too hmmmm >

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Checking all cmds/etc I think the gpu is properly attached/driversi installed. What is the problem that GNOME is not using it, but instead going with Virtio.
Are you using a virtual screen (noVNC, SPICE)? That could explain why the graphical desktop environment is using VirtIO. The DE might simply select be the first (virtual) GPU it finds.
Maybe you have no physical display connected to the GPU? Try connecting a display and set the VM Display to None, to remove all virtual screens and see if you get (physical) output on the GPU.
I have tried running nvidia-config, which did some configs.
But sadly after restarting I just get "_" flashing on black screen
I can't really help with NVidia because of lack of personal experience (because they broke passthrough in the past and getting their driver was hard to install).
Yeah ! I just got some progress woah, If I set display to None, I then see the output on my LCD!!! WOhooo!
But that's bad :D I want to connect via remote/spice/vnc etc and take advantage of silk 60fps experience...

Any ideas how to bite this one? o.O Feels like forcing it to use nvidia GPU breaks remote nvc/spice?
Woah update!
Ok so... I have to disable display to use GPU natively... vnc/spice does not seem to work anymore.
Ended up installing rdp but I have like 5-10 fps :D
Kidna... Now I'm out of ideas why this is slow, rdp? I have rdp with other vpn/clients its super fast there, so weird! maybe nvs510 is not fast enough for 3k output? strange :/
try nomachine, i am usign intel GPU passthrough to ubuntu, vm display set to none, gpu set to primary display. if you do not have a monitor connected then get a HDMI dummy plug.

my only problem is i cannot get HW encoding to work....
Is Nomachine fully "offline" like rdp for privacy/security reasons... ?
I'll try setting up vnc manually, seems like I cant piggy bag of proxmox one (as I tried for 2 days early and failed)
If it was a physical machine and you wanted to see the screen on another system on the local network, how would you set it up with video-streaming? Steam Link, Parsec, TigerVNC maybe? I have no experience with those but any solution like this will not be Proxmox specific, so you look for guides for this elsewhere too.
Ok final update.
1. To get the gpu thini to work I need to use None as display driver + rdp/nomachine/etc
2. I have lag with nomachine at my 3k res
3. I disabled GPU pass and started system again using rdc - bad fps
4. I restarted & started again but using no machine. I get 60+ fps.
I get better perf with no GPU. Perhaps nvs510 is just too bad to encode and my xeons are just fine o.O