[SOLVED] passing a physical drive through to vm - need help


Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
Chi City

I am trying to add a physical drive to a vm and ran into an error message saying "Configuration file 'nodes/hl/qemu-server/103.conf' does not exist"

I did a little googling on this and saw a few posts about creating a new config. This is a cloned vm from a ubuntu vm i originally made and turned into a template.

How can I create this config file through the shell?

Thank you.
I cant address your error message, but the short answer to passing through a disk is really two commands: Run "ls -n /dev/disk/by-id/" to identify the disk you want to pass through. copy down the disk ID. Then execute "set [VM-ID] -virtio2 /dev/disk/by-id/[DISK-ID], ,serial=<serial>"

You may want to change -virtio2 to something like SCSI if you use that on your system. I also add a unique disk serial number (completely made up such as mydrive001, because on my machine, it can't seem to differentiate between two of the same model of drives when I pass them through to something like OMV or TruNAS Scale


I cant address your error message, but the short answer to passing through a disk is really two commands: Run "ls -n /dev/disk/by-id/" to identify the disk you want to pass through. copy down the disk ID. Then execute "set [VM-ID] -virtio2 /dev/disk/by-id/[DISK-ID], ,serial=<serial>"

You may want to change -virtio2 to something like SCSI if you use that on your system. I also add a unique disk serial number (completely made up such as mydrive001, because on my machine, it can't seem to differentiate between two of the same model of drives when I pass them through to something like OMV or TruNAS Scale


Thank you. This is what I was in the process of doing then ran into the error about file not existing.

If the settings where not changed when you converted the original VM to a template, I would just copy/paste the template config to the affected VM.

Do this run the following commands as root:

So, I was able to find the folder, but I only see a 101.conf, 102.conf, and the 500.conf (the template).
I did try
ls -a
and it doesn't show me this file anywhere. Do I just need to find it manually or is there place known place to find this?
Copying 500 into 103 manually is likely a wrong move.
It will create a second template, with disks pointing to original 500, likely to lead to confusion and data loss down the line.

Please use PVE commands to manipulate VMs, unless you are really sure about your steps.

Run "qm list", then clarify what you are trying to do and where. What have you done exactly to receive an error of missing config file?
From the evidence you presented that VM simply does not exist, so you cant pass-through anything to it.

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Here is what I am shown by running that command.

Still not seeing 103


Just in case this helps in anyway.

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Thank you for the clerification. Still new to this.

Thanks. Going to start figuring out how to pass a hdd and a tenser usb device to them now that I have a better understanding of what I'm working with.
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