Hi Have installed proxmox on an intel NUC8i7BEH iris 655 graphic.
And would now like to run IGD (graphics) passthrough for Windows 10.
Is it possible to Passhtrough the iris 655 and how do I do it.
Can someone please help me out with steps howto to do it if possible. I have not find anyone talking about Passhtrough the 8gen. I am running Proxmox 5.4.
using the nuc headless and passing through the whole "GPU" part or doing it with VirtioGPU?
IIRC, there where some issues with 8th gen intel cpu passthrough still being in the works, but it seems that the issue was closed reffering to support available in a staging branch: https://github.com/intel/gvt-linux/issues/14
Thank for your response. I am running Spice with windows QXL driver in my windows VM machine to get some accelerated but it is not fast enough to be useful for games or HD Media. Therefore i would like to find a better solution.
Is VirtioGPU the same type of method as Spice with QXL driver ?
I would like to passthrough the whole "GPU" to my widows 10 VM I believe this is the method for full acceleration off the GPU correct me if I’m wrong.
It would be nice if it were possible to share de GPU to multiple VM but I am not sure if iris 655 in the NUC supports it or not.
I have a Gen8 i5 NUC at home, and have successfully managed to get the on board graphics and associated driver showing up in Windows, but no output is shown on the screen (just black output). I've given up on that for now...
What I am waiting for is Kernel v5.1 to come into Proxmox as this is when GVT support for Coffee Lake happens. I've already got the v5.0 Kernel from Proxmox git but can confirm that GVT support for Coffee Lake is not there.
Any idea when v5.1 will be available? I'd really love to try GVT-d.
Thanks for all your feedbacks. I have not succeeded in getting this to work yet and also now waiting for more info regarding support for Coffee Lake or someone who has succeeded.
It sounds promising for support for Coffee Lake and also wondering if it's far away. Must say that the small NUC is a monster for its small size and I have no problem running plex with several 1080p streams simultaneously on it.
I am running one Windows 10 machine and one Ubuntu 18.04 with Plex on it without problems. The only thing missing now is the pass through for the iris 655 graphics card.
There's a small chance that this could get backported to the upcoming 5.0 based Kernel, but nothing for sure. The next bigger Kernel version jump could be ball-parked at Q4 2019, if I'd need to give a rough estimate, but here too it's currently to early to tell anything for sure.
Would anyone be able to provide an update on this matter? I'm still unable to get IGD passthrough to work on an Intel NUC8i7BEH with the latest Proxmox (6.0-11) but is it confirmed this will work in kernel 5.1? I thought about using passthrough on the Thunderbolt port but have read there are some issues with that.
There's the pve-kernel-5.3 package available on all repositories, you could just try it out.
For now you still need to manually install it once, we did not switched over to it as new default kernel yet. But, we also do not know any problems with it 5.3.10 has shown as stable here.
There's the pve-kernel-5.3 package available on all repositories, you could just try it out.
For now you still need to manually install it once, we did not switched over to it as new default kernel yet. But, we also do not know any problems with it 5.3.10 has shown as stable here.
use NUC8i3 as home server hosting several LXC containers and one (not necessarily Windows) VM acting as "TV computer" with GPU/Audio passthrough
After quite some try& error (not at all understanding what I´m doing as I´m new to Proxmox/QEMU) I made the Intel 655 of my Intel NUC8i3BEK appear in a Windows 10 VM and am able to see 4K video on a TV connected via HDMI.
Unfortunately, the joy is limited as I didn´t manage to get sound output as well. I can´t get the audio device passed through to the VM.
Below follow various configuration files. I´m sure there´s some rubbish included as I copied from several web resources, but this current configuration at least gives me the GPU (and a USB dongle for keyboard/mouse).
I tried with another VM using q35 and OVMF (UEFI) BIOS instead, but in this case I haven´t been successful to passthrough anything at all.
A test by booting with Ubuntu 19.04 Live instead of Proxmox revealed that basically GPU/audio works connected via HDMI to TV.
hi, i follow this theard to ask help for gpu passhtrough for my intel nuc8i3beh. I follow variuos guide without success. When i try to install virtio driver wndows says that the best driver (micrisoft) is already installed!
I want to use graphic card for a game (cities skylines for example).
Thank you!
I am also interested in this topic, using a NUC8i5. I already got a couple of standalone Containers, but now I would like to setup an Ubuntu container or VM to use with KODI and HDMI support for video and audio. I alread tried a few setups, but even did not mange to passthrough video.
I am also interested in this topic, using a NUC8i5. I already got a couple of standalone Containers, but now I would like to setup an Ubuntu container or VM to use with KODI and HDMI support for video and audio. I alread tried a few setups, but even did not mange to passthrough video.
Sure, tonight. I just recognized, that you will need a setup for VM when using Windows. I am more looking into using LXC. But until now I did not manage to bring to make Video and sound both KVM and LXC running
Okay, I gave up using the LXC tutorial and went over to KVM. After a couple of issues I managed to set up Ubuntu Server with KODI - as of the recent plan.
After a BIOS Update, a few settings and the settings of caribou, I managed to boot the host without any errors in dmsg and no error coming up when starting the VM.
Right now I am stuck with a black screen and /usr/bin/xinit giving up with an error with connection refused for X server. I ll check tomorrow again with an Ubuntu Desktop VM.
In addition I can add Audio only with Spice driver and this throws an error while starting the VM
Okay, I gave up using the LXC tutorial and went over to KVM. After a couple of issues I managed to set up Ubuntu Server with KODI - as of the recent plan.
After a BIOS Update, a few settings and the settings of caribou, I managed to boot the host without any errors in dmsg and no error coming up when starting the VM.
Right now I am stuck with a black screen and /usr/bin/xinit giving up with an error with connection refused for X server. I ll check tomorrow again with an Ubuntu Desktop VM.
In addition I can add Audio only with Spice driver and this throws an error while starting the VM