Well, it's not complaining to point out a very obvious flaw in their design, it should be regarded as valuable feedback from the community. Even the best teams can make bad design decisions, and it's the role of the users to point those out.
Unfortunately, the Proxmox developers often seem like they don't use their own product (apart from functionality and bug testing). Because if they did, they would know how big an inconvenience is having to set up different backup storages for dozens of VMs, just because you want to specify different max backups number for your clients. Not to mention every new storage requires creating a different backup job, creating a big mess of possibly conflicting schedules.
It's unintuituive, inconvenient and a huge step backwards compared to PVE 1.x.
My suggestion: backup file retention should be a property of the backup job (and not a property of storage). If you wanted, you could set a different backup file retention number for every VM in the same schedule, or you could just use a global number, if you don't need this granular.
Let me illustrate how! (click on image below)
View attachment 1689
What do you guys think?
(Maybe the more/less using text links is not the best idea, but you get the point.)
Cool !!!, but will be better if PVE team developers add a column for bwlimit, then if you have a backup Server for several PVE hosts, or want to do a manual backup, the bwlimit can help you for performance reasons.