[SOLVED] Notify reciver about spam with a link


New Member
Sep 9, 2020
Hi community,

Is there possibility to receive some generic mail notification about quarantined spam mail with a link to see it? For example:

"Dear customer,

You received this mail because our protection blocked spam or harmful message. You can review the mail on the this link.

Kind regards,"

I know that links are generated for daily or weekly spam reports, but I am not sure how to generate it for instant spam (of course not for all spam messages only specific level). I was thinking something with Action Object "Notify Receiver" and I can include all the text, but the link to the quarantine is the only thing I am not sure how to include.

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Hi oguz,

As far as I see that is only in order to use different DNS for a link instead of the server name. While that is useful too, it is not what I had in mind.

So there is no possibility to send instant notification with a ticket?

Is there possibility to include hyperlink in the body of the Action Object: Notification?
Is there possibility to include hyperlink in the body of the Action Object: Notification?
currently this is not possible...
but .. if you want to sent one mail for each spam-mail your users receive, to notify them that they can view the spam in the quarantine ...
why not simply tag the subject as SPAM and send the mail directly?
Hi Stoiko,

We already do that for specific spam level, but this would be like higher level of spam. My idea was this to gain:

1. Spam level 0-6 is not spam
2. Spam level 6-10 is a "light" spam. Subject will be modified with SPAM but still sent to the customer (and to our specific quarantine).
3. Spam level 10-20 is "medium" spam. Client would receive message that mail has been quarantined (in proxmox) and if he want's to review it, to do it via link.
4. Spam level 20+ is "heavy" spam and it is blocker/rejected, so no sending to customer, nor quarantine.

To be honest we haven't developed completely idea how we would like to notify yet customers, we wanted something often I guess than daily mail, but we will see. Daily mail sounds nice too and an ability to customize it is great.
The gradual increase of measures sounds like a good idea!

I would suggest that you start simple - and maybe stick with the distinction - but stick with daily mails.
you can also notify you users - they can then either click on a link from their daily report they got some time ago (in that morning), or they can go to the quarantine page and request a login-link and use that.

However as usual - try it in production and see what your users ask for - maybe you could even start without the quarantine step

the levels you've defined seem quite high (I would most likely consider everything above level 5 as spam and block it - but that depends on your environment)

I hope this helps!
Hi Stokio,

Yes one option would be to include full URL to the Quarantine which would also work for us, but users would need LDAP to access it (which is also fine) and the link would always be the same.

You could be right, but we will see. I wanted to start with some levels and then slowly change them according the received mails, this will take some time but it will pay off eventually. We do have some specific clients with specific requests so, we will see when we start in production slowly migrating customers.

Thanks for the help and I will mark this thread as solved, as I got answers on my questions.
Yes one option would be to include full URL to the Quarantine which would also work for us, but users would need LDAP to access it (which is also fine) and the link would always be the same.
not quite - check the link @oguz posted - with the latest PMG 6.3 users can send themselves a link (with ticket) to access the quarantine
but if you have LDAP anyways in your environment you could also just stick with that
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Hi community,

Is there possibility to receive some generic mail notification about quarantined spam mail with a link to see it? For example:

"Dear customer,

You received this mail because our protection blocked spam or harmful message. You can review the mail on the this link.

Kind regards,"

I know that links are generated for daily or weekly spam reports, but I am not sure how to generate it for instant spam (of course not for all spam messages only specific level). I was thinking something with Action Object "Notify Receiver" and I can include all the text, but the link to the quarantine is the only thing I am not sure how to include.

I do that for my partial client - still search for that link.....
There is no script - you simply enable the quarantine link in /etc/pmg/pmg.conf (and restart pmgproxy and pmgdaemon):
section: spamquar
    ...other settings...
    quarantinelink 1
    ...other settings...

see section 4.8.2: https://pmg.proxmox.com/pmg-docs/pmg-admin-guide.html#pmgconfig_spamdetector

I hope this helps!


Just something that I did not fully understand. does que "quarentinelink 1" option send an e-mail everytime a spam enters quarentine or only on the daily report?

I also wanted all the user to get an e-mail to check the spam and have it delivered or deleted/blacklisted.

