[SOLVED] Not full administrator of my pool


Oct 12, 2021

Proxmox VE 8.0.4 (sorry, I can't upgrade this cluster as often as I want)

I have many pools, one per user. Each user has "administrator" role for their pool. But, for VM in their pool, users can't see storage for adding a disk, can't see network bridges for adding network cards. They can see bridges only if I add the SDNPVEUser role in on /sdn/zones/localnetwork.

If they are administrators for their own pool, why can't they configure all VM parameters ?

Thanks (and sorry if PVE 8.1 fix it).
Edit : pools are on /pool/xxx, storage on /storage/xxx, network on /sdn/xxx... so I suppose administrator is for /pool/xxx only and that's why pool administrators can't configure network and storage.

Is it a simple way to allow administrators to network & storage, instead of adding permissions on SDN and storage ?
you can add the storage to the pool, then the ACLs should propagate from the pool. no such feature currently exists for VNETs or mappings, although it could make sense there as well..
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Nice, I didn't see it for storage in the pool. Tha'ts a good point !

The same one for network could be great, I hope in a next release :)

So, I can close this topic.

Thanks !